Video Ideas

 So I may have a few ideas for new videos.

I saw some stuff on twitter that made me want to post a video reaction. But that's all dried up, right? YouTube reactions to tweets? I guess you haven't seen my videos to know if I should.

The next several videos will be like video blogs. I have opinions I want to get out there. Opinions of a Dad who is more or less ashamed with our world's moral around Dads.

Do we as Dads deserve a reward? Is there no respite for all the work we do to support our families? Are you proud of the suicide rate you're promoting with such filth?

Moreover, how do we get kids outside again without their phones? Ironic, being that I am in a field that exploits screen addictions.

How do I talk about those ideas without becoming edgy, misogynistic, or arrogant without losing touch of the brutal truth?

In the near future, I'll have a Pretty Nice computer, I just hope it has the ability to record video on screen without a ton of lag. Virtually hopeless on this Lenovo Laptop.

Just a blog about ideas in my head, nothing really new. I might actually write a book one day though.


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