Apparently my blog is considered potentially "unsafe" because I have not posted this notice to any of my blogs:

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."


Good job, Blogger,  you have successfully lambasted a blog that hasn't posted since 2011. Why this is my responsibility is pretty nonsensical. Why is it not the responsibility of the host site to make this notice clear to IP addressees who are searching on Blogger?

Any way, it is clear that much has changed since the last blog post I made. For one, it was Wordpress! Wow! Secondly, I never made it to Sweden, it was Norway I went to instead in 2011. After that, I met a woman in August of 2012 and promptly married her on September 1st, 2013. Following that, we birthed our first child in May of 2014. In addition to this, I started a new college program to learn about Welding Technology. This went on from 2013 to 2015 when I graduated a quarter early because I am such a wonderful academic it seems.

My fatherly child-bearing didn't end there. We had three more girls in 2016, 2019, and in 2020. After all this time, we are still happily married amidst the chaos. The study of welding technology has also since 2015 shifted to direct shop and field work where I have gained enough experience to start a track towards a Certified Welding Inspector by the AWS (American Welding Society.) Much of my experience includes welding on tractor equipment, pressure vessels, decorative railings and gates, now structural members, and even a few years as my own business owner/operator for a little known company called Madrona Metal Works LLC.

Since May of 2022, I also started a YouTube Channel under the name of "Wallamazoo," which is considered the "random and floundering things a dude in his thirties would do, and stuff." While that isn't in my official title or banner, it certainly ought to be, since there isn't a direction in mind for the future of "Wallamazoo." I've often thought about expanding outwardly to opening a gaming specific channel, although I am learning more about playlists and wondering if I should just keep up the name of Wallamazoo. Here's a list of topics I've also been pondering:

Stuff a Dad in his 30's would do

Stuff a Dad should do for his Children

How a Dude can be a good Husband

Let's Learn: A Dude in his 30's learns to do new stuff

The future is certainly unclear.

Scheduling has been tumultuous at best, for any kind of content producing or actually "being the good dad or husband" I want my future video series to profess. I also have a matter of faith - there's so much I want to do, and it's hard to narrow down what to do in what little time I have. What is time, anyway? Who has time for anything? Golly, time certainly is a mistress weaving a fate hard against us in a tempest of worry and doubt. Let me break it down for you simply, here is a simple day in the life of me:

Monday through Friday:

Wake up at 3:30am, hit "snooze" repeatedly until 4:00am.

After 4am until 4:35am, do the things a dude would do to get ready for work (get dressed, make lunch, make coffee.)

4:35-5:05AM - Drive to work in whatever perilous weather patterns there may be. In some cases, get fuel.

5:05 to 5:30AM - Take a nap in the car until work starts.

5:30AM to 4:00PM - WORK!

4:15PM - 4:45 - Drive home from work

4:45 - 8:30PM Do what a dude would do with his family, and stuff

8:30-9PM Do good night stuff with the kids, and junk

9-10PM Get alone time

10PM - 3:30AM Get sleep (occasionally be woken up by the howling cat around 2:30AM)

STATISTICALLY, M-F leaves me with only around 3 hours and 15 minutes to do whatever ,which actually isn't "whatever I want," it's typically TAKE SHOWER, MAKE DINNER FOR 6 (people), CLEAN APARTMENT. I didn't mention a few major updates as well - we are in an apartment. My family moved into this apartment in Kansas after moving from Washington where we lived in a Camper Trailer for nearly 8 years.

So it sounds like I have Saturday and Sunday off? WRONG! For the last six weeks (excluding this particular week because I am SICK,) I work Saturdays from 5:30AM until 2:00PM. The rest of the day after gives me an additional 2 hours to muck about. It's only SUNDAY that I get any time off, and the WHOLE day is usually spent diddling around doing chores to make the house APARTMENT moar "acceptable."

So why am I being so absurdly dedicated to also bringing a YouTube Channel to life?

This goes back to when I was a teenager, who trained in basic editing and filmography in High School through a "Video Tech" class that for all intents and purposes I should have further taken Advanced Video Tech in my Junior Year. Immediately following my graduation, I had thought to have all the things necessary to produce films - a video camera, friends as extras, Windows Movie Maker, and the audacity to start putting nonsense onto the early YouTube (which at the time wasn't owned by Google, or was corporate, or even had monetization.) Yet something odd happened. The most fundamental piece of equipment necessary was the video camera to make proper film content. For some reason my parents decided they weren't going to allow my friends and I to use the camera. Ever. So supportive.

None of that matters now, I have the iPhone 13 Pro! With the amazing 3 lenses, horrid fishbowl style video resolutions, and gimmicky iMovie for iPhones, I'm virtually unstoppable! This is of course only coming from a time since 2007, which was 16 years ago. Basically, I am starting from scratch, because the average length of time a debt is allowed to remain a plausible debt is 7 years. I am of course thankful for the education I received in High School. I had many great experiences with friends, making myself an actor in films that were later corrupted by fowl early WinZip cataloguing, and received top marks for 2 out of 6 films in class. 

So this is where I am now mostly, the last many years since 2011 have been very busy for all the right reasons, and now I want to share more of those details with you all. I thought it was better to write a blog following the videos as well - who actually wants to sit down and read this wall of random text? Nobody in this world. I tell you, there was a time before smart phones where blogs like mine would have actually been read had it been interesting and not just a personal diary. Holy crap my early blogs are embarrassing. I need to delete a few things, bury others, because the facts just aren't aligned in any reality we live in.



Shonathan Perrius.




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