Birthday Wowee

Hello friends and fiends! Or anyone seeing this other than myself...

Two days ago was my birthday. It's been two days living as a 34 year old me. That's great.

Any way. I am also getting over a rather obnoxious stomach bug. As a result, I am starving and my muscles ache. In addition the weather being cold outside, the ground is icy and so yet more I can't go for a safe walk in the morning. That's not impeding my hopeful attempt at a good day today. Not even some twitter guy/gal/whatever pointing fingers at my follower count.

Image left: My response to a tweet, it's a rather hostile place even if the majority of correspondence is passive-aggressive.

37 followers, no, 53 followers, is just the beginning of my social media empire. Just you wait - I'll remember you when I go big.


Today has been a day of grouchy in-fighting too. Everything is a disaster - well, particularly for one child in my home that seems to be in a fighting mood. It's her turn to clean the room, and what a mess she made! It's definitely looking better, but it's been a hurdle to achieve.

New Neighbors: Good times we live in, a few new neighbors have moved into the Apartment nearby, we met them last night, they were nice. I hope to get to know them more soon. They're going to need context as to why we're so loud (hearing issues.)

My new computer is being assembled by CLX Gaming, I am excited to receive it eventually. I was surprised to learn that they are centrally located in Wichita, KS, which is only 2.5 hours away. I could practically swing through and pick up my own device rather than ship it. However, their company seems adverse to such solicitations. I am quite satisfied with how they handle their quality control. The order

The channel is feeling an abrupt slowdown, most in part to that stomach bug, planning and development, and the Tax Return. Oh boy, that's part of how I was able to purchase a major upgrade PC from my Lenovo Laptop (currently using, it's fantastic, but only so so.) But also we are having some other household upgrades as well. Lighting is huge here, and these simple wall sconces were perfect for uplifting the space around our front door:

Other purchases for our home are coming soon, such as a very needed blender to make bread and cookies, a new table and chairs to replace Galloping Girdle, the rest of a rocking chair repair kit, and a desk chair (non gaming.)

What's good for the channel in the next few weeks won't be as good for our bills - an adjusted schedule to my regular work hours will mean more hours are available at home. Primarily, Saturdays are now going to be off. Only 48 hours per week, which will give me more family time, time for YouTube and development, and so forth. Alas without the latter providing an income, some bills will be tight. I'm glad I paid the balance of our credit cards.

That just about catches up my going-ons for the week, be sure to do something or other and have a good day!


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