A Daily Post, Even If...

 ...the power goes out. There is no reason at all why I am on the internet providing my thoughts and opinions to anyone. The opinions are my own, and that's all.

Oh look, one person has viewed my latest blogs. I'm pretty sure that's likely to do with my own "pre-testing" of the blog samples.

Much of blogger is the same as when I was in WordPress, the layout in some ways is simpler. Another major change is that it's owned by Google - it is monetized potentially though I'd like to see the day that ever happens.

One major issue I have with blooger over all, well the construction of paragraphs really, is a new paragraph (that is, when I double-enter) does not shift a margin by a whole 1/2 inch, but a single cursor space.

 This is what I mean.

These do not align.

I dislike it greatly.

This post, like many, won't be designed for any useful information. Lately, the phrase "Sugar Fried Frosted Butts" has been popping into my head and causing me to laugh like it's a contagious disease. This is the best I could find when searching the web: 

The image above is from KnowYourMeme.com
Today is another day in the day of days in which it is in fact a day in our lives. Truly, the day is inspired, unlike this blog post. You're here to just read random nonsense, waiting to see if there is ever a point to what I am typing out. Actually, this whole entire blog post has been practice typing. The less mistakes I make, that means I receive les(s) (ouch) lashings - okay, hey! I said whippings but lashing makes more sens- OUCH, UIT OUCH OUCH OUCH STOP STHAP STAHP!! OUWIEIEIWIEIE

My wife just entered the room and omitted the crazed whipper boy from the room and exercised his demons. These sores will mend themselves eventually.

DISCLAIMER: The intent of this blog post is not to reflect the true manifested thoughts of the author, Shonathan Perrius. Rather, the semi-intelligent pig-dragon known as Wallamazoo was the conspiring master of text this time around! Like a poof of smoke, I vanish! AWAAAAAAAAY!!!

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