Birthday Wowee

Hello friends and fiends ! Or anyone seeing this other than myself... Two days ago was my birthday . It's been two days living as a 34 year old me. That's great. Any way. I am also getting over a rather obnoxious stomach bug. As a result, I am starving and my muscles ache. In addition the weather being cold outside, the ground is icy and so yet more I can't go for a safe walk in the morning. That's not impeding my hopeful attempt at a good day today. Not even some twitter guy/gal/whatever pointing fingers at my follower count. Image left: My response to a tweet, it's a rather hostile place even if the majority of correspondence is passive-aggressive. 37 followers, no, 53 followers, is just the beginning of my social media empire. Just you wait - I'll remember you when I go big. Today has been a day of grouchy in-fighting too. Everything is a disaster - well, particularly for one child in my home that seems to be in a fighting mood. It's her turn to clean ...